Sunilens DOOEL has 25 years of experience in distribution, trade and wholesale of vegetable oils, industrial margarines, specialty food ingredients and semi-finished food products in Macedonia. The company was founded in 1993 by our owner Mr. Sinisha Gjokikj. In 2009, we built new modern administration and logistics facilities in accordance with all European and HACCP standards, which are located in the Industrial Zone Vizbegovo in Skopje. Sunilens is a family owned limited liability company (Ltd.) registered in the Central Register of the Republic of Macedonia under identification registry number 5703344 and VAT number 4030002461561.
Throughout the years we have managed to create a well-known brand of services, products and quality among bakery, confectionery, HoReCa and other food producers in Macedonia. Our product portfolio includes refined sunflower and palm oils, bakery and confectionary margarines, vegetable fats, sesame seeds, dried onion, ketchup, mayonnaise, bakery flours, bakery creams and fillings, corn starch and other industrial food products. Following our long-term vision and innovative approach, we have evolved, improved and grown together with our clients.
Our industry know-how, professional commitment and experience have made Sunilens today’s market leader in Macedonia with 27 well-trained professionals that provide services to more than 1.000 clients. We are proud that we have managed to achieve our goals with team work and complete dedication to satisfying the needs of every customer. We have worked hard on creating ideal conditions and prosperous work environment for our employees that contribute to continuous improvement of our services, technical, operational and managerial capacities.
Our primary goal is to offer industrial food programs at the most affordable market prices with flexible work dynamics for every category of food producers. With over 4.500 tons of food products and specialty ingredients that we distribute each year in the Macedonian market, the best indicator for our success are the long-term exclusive agreements for high quality industrial food brands sourced by renowned refineries and food manufacturers.
Our entrepreneurial spirit and vision for the future do not stop here. In 2009, Sunilens introduced an innovative waste management project – collection, storage, treatment and recycling of used cooking oils. We made a significant investment in developing the technology, equipment, logistics network and training of human resources to jump-start our eco-friendly business model for waste management. After acquiring all the necessary licenses, Sunilens became the first fully authorized waste carrier by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning for managing used cooking oil in Macedonia.
Following the global trends for efficient utilization of waste as a source of renewable energy that stimulates green circular economy and cleaner environment, we have implemented a modern system for managing used cooking oils in accordance with the strictest EU standards. Today, Sunilens is the biggest waste management company for collection, storage and processing of used cooking oils in Macedonia. We have a highly developed collection network and work on implementing awareness initiatives for continuous education of every waste producer about the negative effects of improper disposal of used cooking oil. Our collection system is certified by ISCC EU based on the EU Renewable Energy Directive, which is a good quality indicator for the success of our waste management system.
In the last ten years, we have managed to collect and process more than 4.150 tons of used cooking oil from the food industry in Macedonia. With a country-wide collection network, modern system for treatment of used cooking oils and well-established export channels with the biofuels market in Austria, Sunilens has made a significant contribution to the development and promotion of green circular economy and eco-friendly values. These principles are stimulated by utilization of biomass as feedstock for producing renewable energy and increasing environmental protection. Our experience in used cooking oil management has broadened our vision to look for new ways and green technologies for using the energy potential of waste in order to contribute to sustainable environment and improved quality of life for citizens.