In May 2017, Sunilens, a licensed waste management company, and the NGO Real Acts of Kindness launched the eco-humanitarian project “Recycle and Donate”. The aim of the project is to increase the public environmental awareness and promote eco-friendly practices for collection and recycling of used cooking oil (UCO) from the household sector in Macedonia. The project also provides support to socially vulnerable and homeless communities through complementary donations by the individual collectors of used cooking oil.
Within the framework of “Recycle and Donate”, households that join the used cooking oil collection system implemented by Sunilens have the opportunity to contribute to green circular economy and also make a donation to socially vulnerable families.
To join this eco-humanitarian project, you just need to contact us either via social media, the following contact form or by dialing the telephone numbers 070 264 444; 02/2650-100 and 02 / 2650-600 and our team will visit you immediately. Raise donations through recycling of used cooking oil and help socially endangered communities!
Once you join the project, Sunilens will deliver a 3 lit. plastic container for safe and hygienic collection of used cooking oil directly to your home. “Recycle and Donate” is carried out all over the country and all interested households are welcomed to join the project. Once the container is full, the collector should contact Sunilens to pick up the collected quantity of used cooking oil and deliver a new clean container. As an additional motivation for each individual collector, Sunilens offers 0,5 lit. of Dijamant sunflower oil for every 3 lit. of used cooking oil collected. Every household decides whether to keep the sunflower oil or donate it to socially vulnerable families through the NGO Real Acts of Kindness.
Since 2009, Sunilens has been developing a functional, country-wide used cooking collection system designed to provide efficient waste management services to the food industry. In 2017, the company introduced an innovative eco-system for collection of used cooking oil from the household sector. “Recycle and donate” supports and promotes the UCO household collection network focused on the general population in the Republic of Macedonia.
“Recycle and Donate” has shown positive results and is receiving great public interest since the project objectives are appealing to many environmentally and socially conscious individuals. The number of households that are joining the used cooking oil collection system is continuously growing.
In November 2017, Sunilens and Real Acts of Kindness signed a Cooperation Agreement to facilitate long-term implementation of this eco-humanitarian project. By combining complementary humanitarian and environmental values, “Recycle and Donate” aims to motivate every individual to make valuable contributions in terms of building sustainable waste management practices (green circular economy and clean environment) and demonstrating compassion for those who need accessible support mechanisms from the society.
We collect your used cooking oil and provide special containers and collection packages.
If you would like to find out more about our used cooking oil collection system, contact us below and our team will answer all your questions:
Contact details and personal information (personal name, address of residence and contact telephone) are obtained with the consent of the natural persons involved in the used cooking collection system for households and the eco-humanitarian project “Recycle and Donate”. Sunilens uses such data exclusively and only to record the quantities of collected used cooking oil from natural persons in accordance with the legal regulations.